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    How to configure Iliad

    How to configure Iliad on Android

    If you have a device Android and you're wondering how to configure Iliad, you will be happy to know that you can proceed either by manually entering the data that I will provide you in the next paragraphs or automatically, by downloading the official Mobile config application or by relying on the automatic configuration service via SMS.

    Configure Iliad via the Mobile config app

    How to configure Iliad

    The simplest solution for configure Iliad on Android is to download the appropriate application which, once installed on your smartphone, automatically enters the access parameters to Iliad services in the telephone network settings.

    If you think this is the configuration solution that best suits your needs (and you have a device equipped with an Android version equal to or higher than 5.0), take your smartphone, start the Play Store by tapping on its icon (the colored ▶ ︎ symbol), type "Mobile config”In the search field at the top and presses the button Search.

    Now, in the search results, locate Mobile config (it should be the first result) and tap on its icon, then press the buttons Install e Accept, wait for the download to complete and press the button apri, to start the app.

    At the first start, press the button Allow for two consecutive times, wait for the configuration procedure to be completed and, as soon as the message appears on the screen We have updated your SIM. Please restart your mobile, award-winning Save., then restart your smartphone and that's it.

    After the first configuration, it is recommended to keep the Mobile config app installed on your smartphone to ensure better operation of the phone.

    Configure Iliad via SMS

    How to configure Iliad

    If your intention is to configure Iliad automatically but you do not want to install any application on your smartphone, you can rely on the automatic configuration service via SMS.

    In that case, take your phone, tap on the voice Messages to start the app for managing and sending SMS, press the button to create a new text message, enter the number 2049 in the field A dedicated to the recipient of the SMS, enter the text conf in the field Text message and proceed to send it, by pressing the icon of thepaper airplane.

    Now, as soon as you see the option on the screen New settings, fai tap sul pulsating Yes to proceed with the configuration of Iliad. Wait, then, for the configuration to be completed, press the button OK And that's it.

    Configure Iliad manually

    How to configure Iliad

    If you prefer manual configuration, take your Android device, access the Settings facendo tap sull'icona della rotella d'ingranaggio present on the home screen or in the drawer and, in the new screen displayed, choose the option Wireless and ret.

    Now, tap on the item Mobile network, click on the option APN, fai tap sull'icona dei three dots at the top right and choose the item New APN from the menu that appears. Then enter the entry Iliad in the field Your name and type the other parameters as shown below.

    • APNiliad
    • Username: empty
    • Password: empty
    • MMSC:
    • MCC: Leave the default or enter 222 or 208
    • MNC: Leave the default or enter 50 or 15

    After entering all the data, tap the ✓ button located at the top right, to save the changes, and put the check mark next to the option Iliad.

    Next, go to the tab Mobile Networks, then in Network mode and select 4G among the available options, in order to be sure that, in case of adequate signal coverage, your smartphone connects to the data network at the maximum possible speed.

    As for the configuration of calls and SMS, this is usually done automatically when the SIM is inserted into the smartphone. However, I recommend that you check that everything is set up correctly.

    To configure calls, tap on the item Settings, scegli l'opzione Wireless and ret, tap on the item Mobile network, select the option Operator and make sure that the lever is next to the item Choose automatically is set to ON.

    To configure the messages, instead, start the app Messages, tap on the item Other e scegli l'opzione Settings from the menu that appears, then select the items Advanced e SMS message center and make sure the phone number displayed on the screen is prefix 3519999600.

    How to configure Iliad on iPhone

    How to configure Iliad

    If you have one iPhone, you should know that it is usually sufficient to insert the SIM in the phone to obtain the automatic configuration of the data necessary to access Iliad services. If not, the only solution for Iliad configuration on iPhone is to access the phone settings and manually enter the data provided by the French telephone operator.

    First, take your iPhone, tap on the icon rotella d'ingranaggio present on the home screen to access the Settings iOS, tap on the item Mobile phone and select the option Cellular data network. If you have an older iPhone model, after logging into the section Mobile phone, choose the items Cellular data options e Cellular data network.

    In the new screen displayed, fill in the form shown on the screen by entering the data as shown below.

    Cellular data

    • APNiliad
    • Username: empty
    • Password: empty


    • APNiliad
    • Username: empty
    • Password: empty
    • MMSC:
    • MCC: Leave the default or enter 222 or 208
    • MNC: Leave the default or enter 50 or 15
    • Maximum MMS size: 200.000

    Personal hotspot

    • APNiliad
    • Username: empty
    • Password: empty

    Now, tap on the item Mobile phone at the top left to save the data just entered and return to the previous screen, then select the item Cellular data options, click on the option Voice and data, put the check mark next to the item 4G (only available on iPhone 5 and later) and you should be able to both surf the Internet using Iliad's data connection and send and receive MMS.

    If, on the other hand, you are having problems with calls, most likely the manual network search function is set on your iPhone. If so, go to Settings of the phone by tapping on the icon rotella d'ingranaggio, choose the items Mobile phone e Select network and move the lever next to the item Automatic da OFF a ON to set the automatic selection of the Iliad network.

    How to configure Iliad abroad

    How to configure Iliad

    As you well know, Iliad offers are also valid in Europe and allow you to call and send SMS without limits and surf the Internet with available data traffic that varies depending on the offer activated.

    If you intend to go abroad and are wondering how to configure your smartphone with Iliad so that it is in a function even outside the national borders, you will be happy to know that all you have to do is activate roaming.

    To enable roaming on a device Android, tap on the item Settings, choose your options Wireless and ret e Mobile network and, in the new screen displayed, move the lever for the item Data roaming da OFF a ON.

    If, on the other hand, you have a iPhone, agreed Settings di iOS facendo tap sull'icona della rotella d'ingranaggio present on the home screen, press on the item Mobile phone and, if you haven't already, move the toggle next to the option Cellular data da OFF a ON. Then press on the item Cellular data options and move the lever relative to the option Data roaming da OFF a ON.

    For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to activate roaming. To check the coverage and any roaming costs of your Iliad offer, instead, take a look at the official website of the telephone operator.

    In case of problems

    How to configure Iliad

    If you have followed the instructions I have given you in the previous paragraphs in detail but, despite this, you have not been able to correctly complete the configuration of your SIM Iliad, you can try to solve your problem either independently or by contacting the service customers of the French operator.

    In the first case, connected to the Iliad website, select the item Quick in the main menu and, in the newly opened page, locate the section Your phone. Now, click on the option of your interest between Android, iOS e Other devices and choose the solution of your interest among Call configurationSMS configurationData and MMS configuration (APN), depending on the problem you encountered.

    If, on the other hand, you want to get telephone assistance and configure your phone with the support of an Iliad operator in the flesh, take your smartphone, dial the number 177 (prefix 3518995177 if you are abroad) and start the call by pressing the appropriate button (usually the green handset).

    After listening to the welcome message and privacy communications, choose the option first configuration assistance pressing the key 3 and indicate the device in your possession by pressing the key 1 to Apple devices2 to Android devices e 3 to other devices. Finally, press the key 0 to request assistance from an Iliad consultant. Since the combination of keys to press may change at any moment, I recommend that you listen carefully to the instructions of the recorded voice.

    It will be useful to know that Iliad's telephone assistance service is active from Monday to Friday from 08.00 to 22.00, while on Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays it is available from 09.00 to 20.00. The call is free for Iliad customers. To learn more, you can read my guide on how to talk to an Iliad operator.

    How to configure Iliad

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