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    How to create Libero emails

    Preliminary information

    How to create Libero emails

    Before explaining to you how to create free emails, it is necessary, for my part, to make a necessary premise on the types of e-mail boxes that can be created on the famous your language portal. In fact, you should know that with Libero it is possible both to create an email address for free and to activate Mail Plus, a subscription service that allows you to have more space and to remove advertising banners.

    Libero mail, the version of Libero that allows you to create an email for free, offers an inbox from 1 GB, which can be accessed from both computers and smartphones and tablets (using the Libero Mail app for Android and iOS / iPadOS devices). In addition, it provides a personal space of 2 GB for storing your files and allows the use of JumboMail, a service for transferring files up to 2GB in size.

    Mail Plus, on the other hand, it offers all the features of the free plan, allows you to remove advertising in your inbox and, above all, allows you to take advantage of more space for your emails, by choosing one of the available options: 5 GB (19,99 euros / year) o 1 TB (€ 49,99 / year). Also, in case of problems, you can contact Libero Mail and get immediate assistance.

    Furthermore, it is possible to use the certified mail service Libero Mail PEC, which is available in the plans FAMILY PEC (1GB of space at 12,99 euros / year) e PEC UNLIMITED (with unlimited space at 25 euros / year). However, during this tutorial I will focus on Libero's traditional email services: if you want more information on PEC, consult my guide on how to open a PEC and the Libero Mail PEC website.

    How to create free emails for free

    How to create Libero emails

    Now we can move on to practice. All you need to do for create free emails for free is to connect to the official website of the service, choose the option to create a new mailbox and fill in the registration form with your personal data.

    To proceed, then connected to the official Libero website, click on the item Mail and, in the newly opened page, choose the option Create account. Adesso, pulsating premium Register a free email account, enter your personal data in the fields Your name, Last name, Birthday, Province of residence, City of residence e Gender and put the check mark next to one of the options available between Private e Company, to specify whether you are creating an email address for personal use or for your business.

    Once this is done, specify the email address you want to create in the field Email (the final result will be [chosen name] @, create a password to use to access your mailbox by entering it in the fields Password e Confirm password and, if you wish, put the check mark next to the option Automatic password expiration, to set the automatic expiration of your access key every 180 days (you will receive a notification to set a new one).

    In the Password recovery informationinstead, specify your own alternative email address or yours cellphone number, useful for recovering your login credentials in case of loss; then put the check mark next to the item I accept the general conditions, to accept the terms of service and the privacy policy, and choose whether to receive promotional emails from Libero and its partners, by selecting one of the available options among I agree o I do not give consent.

    Once this is done, put the check mark next to the option I'm not a robot, to verify your identity, and click on your button Subscribe, to complete the registration and activate your new mailbox on Libero.

    How to create Libero emails

    If everything went well, you will see the message Registration completed successfully and a screen with the summary of your personal data and the access data to your e-mail box. Then click on the button Log in to your email And that's it.

    Do you prefer to create an email address on Libero from your smartphone or tablet? If so, I'm sorry to tell you that with Libero mail, the app for Android devices and iPhone / iPad, it is not possible to create a new email address but only to access your own mailbox (even from other providers).

    However, if you want to proceed using your Android device or if you are wondering how to create Libero email on iPhone, you can use the browser you usually use to surf the Internet (eg. Chrome your android e Safari on iOS / iPadOS) and repeat the procedure I just explained to you to create an email address from your computer.

    How to create Libero emails with Mail Plus

    How to create Libero emails

    If you've decided to create Free emails with Mail Plus, you will be pleased to know that you can either create a new email address or upgrade your free account.

    In the latter case, connected to the official Libero website, select the option Mail, enter your access data in the fields insert your email e Enter your password and click on the button Log in, to login. On the main page of your inbox, click on the icon of rotella d'ingranaggio, top right, and choose the option Increase in mail space give the menu to compare.

    Clicca, quindi, sul pulsating activate relating to the option of your interest between 5 GB e 1 TB, choose the payment method you prefer among credit card e PayPal, enter the data in the appropriate fields and click on the button Buy Now, to switch from a free Libero account to Libero Mail Plus.

    How to create Libero emails

    If, on the other hand, you want to create a new email address, you must know that it is still necessary to create a free email address and, subsequently, activate Mail Plus. Connect, then, to the main page of Libero, choose the options Mail e Create account and, in the new screen that appears, select the item Register a Mail Plus account.

    Then enter all the information requested in the sections Personal details, Password recovery informationTerms of contract and privacy, place a check mark next to the option I'm not a robot, to verify your identity, and click on your button Subscribe.

    At this point, select the option of your interest among Buy Mail Plus 5 GB e Buy Mail Plus 1 TB and choose the payment option you prefer between Credit card e PayPal. In the first case, enter your credit card details in the fields Card number, End Date, Security code, Owner Name e Owner surname, place a check mark next to the option Accept, to accept the contractual conditions, and click on the button Buy Now, to complete the payment and activate your Mail Plus mailbox.

    If, on the other hand, you have chosen to pay using your PayPal account, put the check mark required to accept the contractual conditions, press the button Proceed your PayPal and, in the newly opened page, enter your account details in the fields Email or mobile number e Password. Then press on the buttons Log in e Accetta and continue, to complete the payment, and that's it.

    As for creating a free account on Libero from smartphones and tablets, to activate Mail Plus it is also necessary to proceed from a browser and the procedure is identical to that described above for activation from a computer.

    How to create Free email signature

    How to create Libero emails

    create Free email signature, log in to your mailbox (if you have not already done so), click on the icon rotella d'ingranaggioat the top right, and select the option Settings give the menu to compare.

    In the new screen that appears, choose the item Mail visible in the sidebar on the left, click on the option Company, press the button Add a new signature and enter the name to be associated with the signature in question in the field Name of the signature.

    At this point, type your new signature in the appropriate field, set its position by choosing the option of your interest among Add your signature below the quoted text e Add your signature above the quoted text and click on the button Save, to save your changes and create your new signature.

    It will be useful to know that you can also create more than one signature and choose which one to use as the default. To do this, simply choose the signature you are interested in using the drop-down menus Default signature for new messages e Default signature for replies and forwards.

    If you prefer to proceed from your smartphone or tablet using the Libero Mail app, start the latter, tap the ☰ button, at the top left, and make sure you have selected the email address of your interest. Then press the icon of rotella d'ingranaggio, at the bottom left, and select the option Company.

    How to create Libero emails

    In the new screen that appears, enter your new signature in the appropriate field and, as soon as you have completed the changes, press on the item Go back, to save the signature and start using it for your new messages.

    How to create free email icon on the desktop

    How to create Libero emails

    How did you say? Vorresti create a Free Email icon on your desktop to speed up access to your inbox? Nothing easier. If you use Chrome, start the latter, log in to your mailbox, click on the icon of three dots, at the top right of the browser toolbar, and select the options Other tools> Create shortcut give the menu check if you press.

    In the new screen that appears, enter the name of the shortcut in the appropriate field, put the check mark next to the option Open as window, if you want to open the link as if it were an independent application compared to Chrome, and click on the button Crea, to add the Libero Mail icon to your desktop.

    If, on the other hand, you use Safari on Mac, all you have to do is access your mailbox on Libero, hold down the left mouse button on theURL present in the address bar and drag it to the desktop. For the detailed procedure, I leave you to my guide on how to put a site icon on the desktop.

    It will be useful to know that you can add a quick link to Libero Mail also on the home screen of your smartphone and tablet. However, I recommend that you use the official Libero Mail app (Android / iOS / iPadOS) which allows you not only to access the email address created on Libero but also to manage the mailbox of other providers (eg. gmail, Outlook, Yahoo etc.) with the multi-account function. In this regard, you may find useful my guides on how to set up Libero mail on Android and how to set up Libero mail on iPhone.

    How to create Libero emails

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