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    How to create memories on iPhone

    What is the Memories function

    How to create memories on iPhone

    Before going into the details of this guide and explaining yourself in detail how to create memories on iPhone, let me explain what is the Memories function and on which devices it is available.

    Memories is a predefined function that it creates, through the app Gallery, collections of photos and videos by selecting some of the content available on your device. Constantly and automatically, the Memories feature scans your Photos library for people, vacations, places, etc. and generates a collection with the contents considered most significant, also creating a video (if the contents included are sufficient) with background music, transition effects and writings.

    To better understand, let's take a practical example: if you took a trip to Rome and took photos and videos during your stay, the Photos app will automatically create a memory called Rome (taking its name from the place where the photos were taken). photos) by collecting the photos taken, the videos made, the places you visited and the people you were with (if the latter appear in the photo and you have previously added them to the People album).

    The Memories feature is available on iPhones, iPads, and iPod touches equipped with iOS 10 or later and on Mac with macOS Sierra or later. It will be useful to know that you can share "memories" with all Apple devices connected to your iCloud account. To activate the synchronization on your iPhone, take it, tap on the icon of rotella d'ingranaggio per accesre alle Settings and, if you have not already done so, log in with your Apple ID, then press on yours name, select the items iCloud e Gallery and move the toggle next to the option ICloud Photos da OFF a ON.

    If, on the other hand, you want to view the memories on your iPhone, tap on the app Gallery pressing on its icon on the home screen of your device, select the item For you in the bottom menu and tap on the option See more related to the section Remember to view all available memories.

    Add a memory on iPhone

    How to create memories on iPhone

    As mentioned above, the Photos application automatically creates memories with the images, videos and places deemed most significant. However, it is possible add a memory on iPhone also manually, choosing its name and contents to include.

    To create a memory on your iPhone, launch the app Gallery, select the voice Album present in the menu at the bottom and, in the new screen displayed, tap on thealbum of your interest. If you want to create a new one including photos to use for your memory, press the button + at the top left, choose the option New album from the menu that appears, enter its name in the field Title e pulsing sul pulsating Save. Now, select the photos and videos to include in the album by tapping on them immagine d'anteprima and press on the item end top right.

    After creating your new album, tap on it and, in the new screen displayed, press on theheading (where the album name and dates appear), then tap on the i icon three dots in alto a destra, select the voice Add to memories from the menu that appears below and that's it.

    Alternatively, you should know that you can create a memory not only by selecting an album but also a single person, a place, a time or a category. After starting the Photos app, tap on the item Search present at the bottom right and, in the new screen displayed, select the place, person or category (Pets, dogs, Cats, Cars, Boats, concerts, beaches etc.) of your interest in the sections Places, People e Category. To speed up the search, you can also enter its name in the field Photos, people, places e pigiare sul pulsating Search.

    Once you have identified the place, person or category of your interest, tap on the item See more, premi sull 'heading at the top, presses the icon of three dots and select the item Add to memories to create your memory. If, on the other hand, you want to include only the photos and videos of your interest, choose the option Select, choose the contents to include in the memory by tapping on them immagine d'anteprima, create a new album by pressing the button Add and repeat the procedure described in the previous paragraphs to create a memory from an album.

    Edit a memory on iPhone

    How to create memories on iPhone

    If you are wondering if it is possible edit a memory on iPhone, the answer is yes. In fact, by accessing the section Modification of the memory of your interest, you can delete and add new content, change the background music, change the duration and the preview image and add a custom title.

    To edit your memory, start the app Gallery, select the voice For you in the menu below and tap on memory of your interest. If more memories are available, swipe to the right or choose the option See more to view all available memories. Once you have chosen the one you are interested in, tap the ▶ ︎ button to start playing it, press anywhere on your iPhone screen and choose one of the themes visible below between Dreamlike, Sentimental, suave, Relaxed, Allegra, Dynamic, Epica, disc e Frantic. Also, by selecting one of the options between Breve e Intermedia you can also choose the duration of the movie.

    To view a preview, tap the ▶ ︎ button and the memory will start playing: if the result is to your liking, tap the icon of the freccia rivolta sinistra verse to save the changes, otherwise select another theme and repeat the above.

    If, on the other hand, you want to make custom changes, press the button Modification at the top right and, in the new screen displayed, make the changes you are interested in by choosing one of the available options.

    • Title: to add a title it's a subtitle personalized to the memory. Furthermore, it is also possible to modify it style selecting one of the options displayed on the screen.
    • Title image: to choose the image to use as the cover of the memory, by selecting one of those already included in the memory itself.
    • Music: to choose the background music of the memory. By selecting the option Soundtracks, you can download additional instrumental pieces for free by choosing them by category (Dreamlike, suave, Relaxed, Default, Sentimental, disc, Frantic etc.). Alternatively, by selecting the option Music, you can choose a song present in your iPhone's music library while choosing the option Nobody no soundtrack will be used in the memory in question.
    • duration: to manually set the duration. If the latter is less than the effective duration of the memory, not all contents will be shown; otherwise, they will be repeated to “cover” the entire duration.
    • Photo and video: to remove the contents included in the memory (the basket) and add others (by pressing the button +). Furthermore, in the case of movies, you can choose whether to activate the original audio, set the duration of the video and select the part of your interest.

    It will be useful to know that, before saving the changes, you can preview the memory by pressing the ▶ ︎ button in the bottom menu. While scrolling through the contents of the memory, by tapping on the icon of arrow and a square, you can set the display of each content. Once the changes are complete, tap on the item end bottom right.

    How to create memories on iPhone

    If you want to set a memory as a favorite, access the one you are interested in, tap on the icon of three dots e seleziona l'opzione Add to your favorite memories. By doing so, selecting the item For you in the menu at the bottom, by pressing on the options See more e Add to Wishlist at the top right, you can quickly access your favorite memories. Conversely, to remove a memory from your favorites, select it, tap on the icon of three dots e premi sull'opzione Remove from favorite memories.

    If, on the other hand, you want to permanently delete a memory, all you have to do is choose the voice For you in the bottom menu, select the memory to be deleted and, in the new screen displayed, tap on the icon three dots. Premium, quindi, sulla voce Delete reminder from the menu that appears and confirm your intention by pressing the button Delete reminder. The operation is irreversible and, after deleting it, you will no longer be able to recover the memory in question.

    Share and export a memory

    How to create memories on iPhone

    After creating a memory and customizing it by putting into practice the instructions I gave you in the previous paragraphs, you are ready to share it with friends and family or export it in video format.

    To proceed, launch the app Gallery, select the voice For you in the bottom menu, choose the option See more do tap sul memory of your interest. In the new screen displayed, tap the ▶ ︎ button to start playing it and press anywhere on your iPhone screen, then tap the share button (the icon of an arrow inside a square) at the bottom left and choose one of the sharing options between AirDrop (in this case my guide on how AirDrop works might be useful), Message, Email, WhatsApp, Telegram etc.

    If, on the other hand, you want to save your memory in video format, after pressing the share button, scegli l'opzione Save video, wait for the export to finish and the video will be available in the library Gallery of your iPhone.

    How to create memories on iPhone

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