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    How will I copy a web page

    I will copy a web page to your PC

    If you want I will copy a web page on your PC, all you have to do is display it in the browser, the program you usually use to surf the Internet and take advantage of the latter's function for saving Web pages locally. You will find everything explained in detail below.

    Chrome (Windows / macOS / Linux)

    How will I copy a web page

    I will save a web page on your PC and use the browser Chrome, visit the page you want to keep. Then click on the icon of three dots collocata in alto a destra e seleciona le voci Other tools> Save page as give the menu to compare your schermo.

    In the window that opens, set the drop-down menu Save eat su Website, complete, select the poster in which you will export the page and click on the button Save to start saving them locally. At the end of the operation you will get a page in html and a folder, with the same name as the page, containing all the images and files useful for viewing the page.

    Firefox (Windows / macOS / Linux)

    How will I copy a web page

    Also Firefox allows you to copy Web pages locally in an extremely easy and fast way. All you have to do is visit the page of your interest, press onhamburger icon located at the top right and select the item Save page with name give the menu to compare.

    In the window that opens, set the option Website, complete in the drop-down menu Save eat, scegli the cartella in cui will export the page and click on its button Save to complete the operation. You will then get a page in html and a folder with all the files necessary for the correct display of the latter.

    Internet Explorer (Windows)

    How will I copy a web page

    Utilizzi anchor Internet Explorer? No problem. You can save a Web page locally by visiting it, by clicking on theicona dell'ingranaggio collocata in alto a destra e selecionando le voci File> Save with nome give the menu to compare.

    In the window that opens, set the option Website, complete in the drop-down menu Save eat, select the cartella in cui will export the page and pigia sul bottone Save to complete the operation. If you want to get a single file containing all the files on the web page instead of an HTML file plus a folder, choose the option Web archive, single file give menu to tendin Save eat.

    Eat sicuramente ben saprai, Internet Explorer è stato soppiantato da Edge, Microsoft's new browser included “standard” in Windows 10. However, the latter does not yet offer a function to export the pages visited in HTML format.

    Safari (macOS)

    How will I copy a web page

    If you have one Mac and use Safari as the default browser, you can save a web page locally simply by visiting it and selecting the item Save as from the menu Fillet which is located at the top left.

    In the window that appears on the screen, set the option Web Archive in the drop-down menu Size, scegli the cartella in cui esportar the page and clicca sul bottone Save per avviarne il download. Otterrai a unique file in format webarchive containing the page and all the files necessary for the correct display of the latter (images, scripts and so on).

    I will copy a Web page in PDF

    Desideri will save a Web page in format PDF instead of the classic HTML format? No problem. By taking advantage of the virtual printers included "standard" in Windows, macOS and even in the operating systems for smartphones and tablets, you can achieve this in a very simple way. Find all the information you need right below.

    Windows 10 PDF printer

    How will I copy a web page

    Windows 10, the latest version of the Microsoft operating system, includes a virtual printer that allows you to obtain files in PDF format starting from any printable content, including web pages. The printer works in any browser, so you can use it in Chrome, Firefox, Edge or any other navigation program always getting flawless results.

    The procedure will follow and always: use your preferred browser, use the Web page that you want to save in PDF and the command of the print give the program menu (ad esempio, in Chrome e Microsoft Edge you have to click on the icon of three dots top right, while in Firefox you have to click onhamburger icon).

    In the window that opens, expand the menu delle stampanti available oppure click on your button Modification collocato accanto nome della stampante currently in use, selects the stampante Microsoft to PDF e, dopo aver regolato i parametri di stampa in base alle tu tu needità, click on your button Print. Ti verrà dunque chiesto in quale cartella salvare il PDF document finale: sceglila, clicca sul pulsado Save And that's it.


    How will I copy a web page

    It is your computer and equips you with a recent version of Windows (es. Windows 7) and, therefore, you can not count on the virtual printer included "standard" in the operating system, you can turn to external solutions. Personally I recommend you DoPDF, which is free of charge for us commercially ed and extremely easy to use.

    To download the DoPDF virtual printer, connect to the official website of the latter and click on the button Download now for two consecutive hits. Once the download is complete, start the executable dopdf-full.exe e, nella finestra che si apre, fai clic prima sul pulsado Install now and then Yes e Close to conclude the setup. Please uncheck the items Install add-in for Microsoft Office e Send anonymous usage statistics to avoid installing the add-in for Microsoft Office (superfluous) and sending anonymous usage statistics to the software developers.

    At the end of the installation, to export a web page in PDF using DoPDF, all you have to do is view it in the browser, invoke the command of printselect DoPDF The list of the stampanti is available and click on the button Print. A window will open in which you can adjust the quality level of the PDF to be obtained and choose the folder in which to export it. To start exporting the document, click on the button OK.

    MacOS PDF printer

    How will I copy a web page

    As mentioned above, too MacOS include a stampante virtuale che permette di esportare qualsiasi content stampabile in a PDF file. To do so, I will, however, copy a Web page in PDF, use the browser that I use only for navigating the Internet (es. Safari o Chrome), visit the page che vuoi salvare in locale e richiama ilmand di Print from the menu File / Archivio which is located at the top left.

    At this point, select the voice Save as PDF from the stampanti list available (or from the menu PDF collocato in basso a sinistra, in the case of Safari), click on your button Print (Operazione no necessaria en Safari) e scegli la cartella in cui esportare il document. Più facile di così ?!

    Android PDF printer

    How will I copy a web page

    Have you viewed an interesting web page from your smartphone or Android tablet and now would like to export it as a PDF file? No problem. Pajamas onshare icon (i pallini collegati tra parrot) oppure selects the voice Share from the app menu and invokes the function Print.

    On the next screen, select the option Save as PDF the list of the stampanti availables, pigia sul pulsating PDF located at the top right and choose the app to export the document to (e.g. you can choose Google Drive, dropbox or File Manager per salvare il PDF in a cartella locale).

    IOS PDF printer

    How will I copy a web page

    Also iOS Offer a practical function for the stampa dei documenti in PDF. Per sfruttarla e, dunque, salvare le tue pagine Web preferite in locale, apri Safari, visit a page you want to export to PDF and press onshare icon (the square with the arrow inside).

    At this point, scroll through the menu that is displayed on the screen and press the icon Create PDF which is on the second line. Subsequently, press again on theshare icon (the square with the arrow inside) and choose the option Save your File Give the menu if you want to save the document in the memory of your iPhone / iPad and its iCloud Drive. As an alternative, you will be able to select the icon of the app dropbox e Google Drive but I will save the page your one of the cloud storage service.

    I will copy a web page like immagine

    You need to I will copy a web page like immagine? Then I advise you to install aextension for the browser and to use the latter to proceed with the operation: by doing so, you will be able to obtain a complete image of the Web page of your interest and not a simple screenshot of what you see in the browser (which would inevitably result in a "cropped" image to the complete web page).

    Full Page Screen Capture (Chrome)

    How will I copy a web page

    The browser was used Chrome, you consiglio di utilizzare Full Page Screen Capture: a free extension that allows you to capture web pages in a complete way without requiring advanced permissions (therefore without representing a potential risk for privacy).

    To install Full Page Screen Capture on your PC, visit the Chrome Web Store page dedicated to the extension and click on the button first Add (top right) and then onto that Add extension.

    At the end of the procedure, open a new Chrome tab, visit the page you want to capture as an image and click on the icon camera appear in the browser toolbar (top right). Next, click on the icon of down arrow which is located at the top right of the page that has opened, answer Allow at the request to start the download of the captured image and that's it.

    Please note: in the case of very long web pages, the extension may split the screenshot into two images. However, everything is done automatically.

    One-click Screenshot (Firefox)

    How will I copy a web page

    It was used Firefox, you can copy a web page as an image using the extension One-click Screenshot Che, like suggesting the name, create full screenshots of the page displayed in the browser.

    To proceed with the installation of One-click Screenshot, connect to the page of the Mozilla Addons site dedicated to the extension and first click on the button Aggiungi to Firefox and then on the button Install.

    Next, open a new Firefox tab, visit the web page you want to save as an image and click on the icon first camera comparsa nella barra degli strumenti of the browser (in high to destra) and poi sul pulsating Take screenshot. Choose, therefore, whether to view or save the image obtained and that's it.

    I will copy a website

    How will I copy a web page

    You don't want to save a single web page on your PC but an entire website? It is a bit more demanding, but not impossible. Using programs such as HTTrack for Windows and SiteSucker for macOS, you can succeed in your intent quite simply: all you have to do is download them and follow the instructions contained in my tutorial on how to download sites.

    Within the same guide you will also find the procedures for downloading sites from mobile, thanks to the HTTrack apps for Android and SiteSucker for iOS: what are you waiting for to try ?!

    I will retrieve the web page not available

    How will I copy a web page

    Is the webpage you were planning to save no longer available? Unfortunately it happens, but this is not a good reason to throw yourself into despair. There are, in fact, online services that allow you to go "back in time" and retrieve Web pages that are no longer available (or that now appear differently).

    • Google Cache - Google has a cache system to visualize the website, even if it is temporarily offline or unavailable, as a prime time. Per sfruttare questa funzione, collegati alla homepage del motore di ricerca, digita cache: page indirizzo (Eg. cache: to view the home of my blog) in the search bar and come on Submit.
    • The Wayback Machine - it is a real "time machine", thanks to which you can view a web page as it was over the course of several months and years. To use the service, connected to its home page, type the address of the page to be displayed in the field located in the center of the screen and from Submit. Choose, therefore, the year and month to which you want to "return" (only some dates will be selectable) and you will be able to view the page as it appeared on the day you selected.
    How will I copy a web page

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